October 31, 2010

First steps

Posted in firsts at 10:05 pm by nebeli

Today B-Boy took his first steps… there were four in all, and then Bonk! down he went on that cute bottom of his.

This time, it wasn’t the cat that motivated him. It wasn’t his Daddy nor was it his Mommy. It was the TV, which hangs above the fireplace in the living room.

He was holding onto the chair, he turned around, and then he let go. Step…. step-step… step- Bonk.

His arms were outstretched upward as if reaching for whatever was on the screen. I can’t recall what exactly was on the TV at the time, but whatever it was, it sure helped motivate/distract B-Boy!

So it won’t be long until he is walking on his own… my guess is he just wants to show he is ready to go trick or treating… either that or wants to spook some coming here… Either way, I am sure candy will be involved, if his Daddy has anything to do with it. Heh heh.

He’s our Sun

Posted in holiday at 9:24 pm by nebeli

Happy Halloween!!!

It’s B-Boy’s second Halloween… and I am amazed at how much he has grown from last year. You know there is going to be a costume… so it’s a good thing you are here.

                  This is B-Boy.
                  He is our Sun.
                  He is the center of our universe…
                  And everything revolves around him.

HA! I’m the center of EVERYTHING….!

Planets are everywhere! Mommy says they are in correct order…
And that she included Pluto because it was a planet when she was growing up.

And yes, Jupiter, Mars and Uranus are on the back…
The last one makes Mommy giggle, but I don’t know why.

Mommy’s kitty ears scare me a bit…
which is why I am grabbing on to Daddy so tight!

Now for the logistics, for those of you who are curious. Neb and I brainstormed on what B-Boy was going to be this year for Halloween. Neb came up with the idea that he should be our Sun. I found a bright yellow shirt and Neb tie-dyed it with orange and red. I found some photos of the planets on the NASA.GOV website and printed them on an iron-on transfer. I then decided how to place the planets and ironed them on. The final touch was cutting a “hat” of sun rays out of craft foam.
The costume evolved. We wanted something he could wear to daycare on Friday, and stay in it all day. That meant anything puffy or stuffed was out of the question. We then decided on doing a shirt. Originally, we were going to have the planets as balls of different sizes down B-Boy’s arms for more of a 3D effect. But that was a choking hazard, a definite no-no. Which led me to think about what we could do that was flatter. I also wanted a hat for B-Boy to wear, but he is going through a phase of taking off any hats that go on his head. I thought the foam might be light enough to stay on unnoticed, which it was for the most part. All in all, we are pleased with the results. We hope you enjoyed it!
I like wearing costumes to school!
Mommy says I am really happy Daddy is home!

October 30, 2010

Baby Jail

Posted in Uncategorized at 10:23 pm by nebeli

B-Boy is getting faster with his crawling, and keeping him contained is getting more and more difficult.

Our house has an open floor plan on the first floor, and we really don’t want B-Boy in the formal dining room, mostly because the steps are there along with a lot of fragile stuff. So we decided to give him free reign (with supervision) in the living room and kitchen… and sometimes the screened porch.

This meant that the two doorways leading into the front of the house had to be closed off. The doors into the office are closed off pretty easily, but everything else meant some effort on our part. The doorway to the dining room from the kitchen was pretty easy, we just rotated the head chair from the dining room table to fill it. B-Boy never touched it.

The other doorway is wider, and more of a challenge. Neb and I put two kitchen chairs there and used the cushions to make it appear closed. It worked in fooling B-Boy for a good long time. But as I wrote earlier, B-Boy is all about figuring out how things work. Every time Neb and I needed to go into the other room, we would slide a chair forward and scoot through, putting the chair back as we went.

It did not take long for B-Boy to realize that he too could pull the chair forward… FREEDOM!!!

He had a good motivator too- we had moved the cats’ water fountain into the hall along with their food to keep B-Boy out of them. Where the kitties go, B-Boy wants to go.

Needless to say, it was time to bring in the baby gates. Especially since Neb was out of town and it was only me keeping him contained! B-Boy is as tall as the gates are, and wasn’t very happy to see them appear.

I bought one with a tiny pet door so that the cats could walk through them. B-Boy liked playing with it, but kept closing out the cats. Neb found a nifty way to fix the problem… he attached a rubber band to the gate and looped the other end on the handle of the door. Voila! The tiny door stays open! B-Boy tried to crawl through twice and got stuck both times. I am hoping he has learned his lesson that he won’t fit. He has also tried shaking the gate over and over… but so far he is contained. YAY!

And I have all my chairs back… which is almost as nice as not having to climb over them to get to the other side.

But I think the biggest fans of the gates are the cats. They did not like them at first, until B-Boy chased them. From the other side, they quickly realized the significance of the gate. Ah, safety and security!

Eating Out with B-Boy

Posted in Uncategorized at 9:42 pm by nebeli

B-Boy has eaten restaurant food (aka, food not cooked by his Mommy) twice. Both times were with my Mom.

The first time, he ate a pancake the size of my head. Yes, MY HEAD… not B-Boy’s. He loved it. Neb and I were shocked at how much he ate, and how well he did so.

I make most of his food so I know EXACTLY what is in it. This month, B-Boy started eating food prepared by the cafeteria at my work, which is quite tasty! 

Neb was out of town last week for a work related conference. He left on a Thursday and was gone through the weekend to return on Thursday. Since I was home alone, I decided that Saturday called for a “get out of the house” day… and that entailed a visit to see Mema. The visit included a trip to the mall, and our outing took a bit longer than we thought. 

Which meant that B-Boy was not going to eat lunch at home. So, we decided to find something in the food court that he could eat. Chick-fil-a was the only one to make the cut- so B-Boy got to eat some chicken nuggets and some of the fruit cup. (I love that they offer fruit to replace the fries!)

I found a really neat placemat at Babies-R-Us earlier that day, and was able to use it immediately. It has little suction cups so that it sticks to the table, and a rounded area that hangs off the edge to catch any food or liquid that might drop. All other placemats fail for us because B-Boy always wants to pick it up to play with it. The suction cups came to the rescue! I spread it out, cut up some nuggets, peeled some apples and sliced some grapes. B-Boy sat on my lap (all the infant chairs were taken) and we all happily ate our food. 

B-Boy enjoyed his grapes immensely, and the nuggets were a tasty treat. Mema was amazed at how well he fed himself, and what a good eater he was. I did manage to bring his cup, and he showed off how well he drank water for all who would watch. I snapped some photos, but I assure you B-Boy enjoyed it more than he appears to in the photo! 

Mmmm, this tastes good!

At the end of our meal, we went over to see one of the cows. B-Boy wasn’t so sure he liked the giant cow, but he did not cry!
Don’t worry cow, I am allergic to milk… 

New tricks this month, what a treat!

Posted in Uncategorized at 8:08 pm by nebeli

The gears in B-Boy’s head are turning and he is learning so much.

He is really into HOW things work, WHAT they do (and can do), and is very busy figuring out how he can manipulate them. For example, one day last month, Neb was watching B-Boy. He had him fenced in the living room, and blocked the way into the kitchen with the pack and play. The pack and play is not wide enough to completely block the opening. Normally, we use his little red chair to cover the remaining area.

B-Boy is too wide to crawl through this gap, and so Neb didn’t include the chair in his fence, thinking all was fine.

B-Boy crawled to the opening, realized he could not crawl through, and sat down to contemplate. The gears turned for a few minutes and then Neb reported the coolest thing. B-Boy stood up, grabbed on to the couch, turned his body sideways and proceeded to inch his way through the gap holding on to the couch and then the end table.

And then ZOOM! Off on all fours to explore the kitchen in a fit of giggles. The shocked (and impressed) Neb then had to chase after him, stumbling over the barricade.

That was last month. This month, B-Boy has learned some other new tricks. Our favorite one involves sticking out his tongue… which at this size is incredibly cute. The trick? If you stick out your tongue… he immediately smiles and sticks out his tongue. It’s a sure fire way to make us smile. (And a trick I use to get him to smile when taking his picture if he is in a surely mood.) 

Another one of B-Boy’s tricks? He has learned to turn himself around with his walker toy. He is not yet walking on his own, but he is walking like a champ with his walker. He started using it as a way to prop himself up, it would hold him up while he walked. He gradually got more confident and now walks more upright with it, and can handle even the quickest of paces. He would walk the length of the house from the living room into the kitchen, stopping at the cabinets – stuck until one of us would gently help him to turn around. Then he would take off so proud of himself toward the living room once again. 

But this week, he no longer needed help to turn around! I think that letting him play with his Red Ryder Scoot toy as a walker helped him figure out how to turn around and maintain his balance. I say this because the Scoot toy has four wheels like those on an office chair, and they turn on a dime. B-Boy learned how to steer using the toy as a walker… and I think that transfered to the four legged walker.

Neb and I are quite happy because now we can do other things beside chase B-Boy around to turn him around. Ah… so nice.

One more item to note, B-Boy is now happily sharing more, at least his pacifier and toys, with us. He will say Ga! and hand us his paci. I don’t know exactly what Ga! means… I asked at daycare if they say “Give” but they said they say “Thank you”… so I don’t know exactly what he is communicating, but it translates to “I would like you to have this… but you must be willing to give it right back, or I will SCREAM!” I don’t know if he is doing this at school yet, but he consistently does it at home.

That’s all on tricks for now. Stay connected for tomorrow’s Halloween posting!

October 24, 2010

Mmm Pizza!

Posted in Uncategorized at 5:42 pm by nebeli

B-Boy had pizza for the first time. cheese pizza made by me. It was messy, but he loved it.

And, we determined that both pizza and foot are both tasty, but one is less messy than the other.

October 21, 2010

More Time to Play

Posted in Uncategorized at 1:55 am by nebeli

B-Boy loves playing with his birthday presents.

He has always enjoyed playing with new toys, but it’s fun to watch him find new things to do with his toys.

GrandpaGator sent B-Boy a dog pillow pal for his birthday. It’s a pillow with velcro on the bottom that brings it in in the middle, making the pillow have “legs”. B-Boy loves to flop on it when he gets tired… and to wrestle with it. He still calls it a kitty, but I make a point to make it bark and pant like a real dog when we play. I also make a point for the doggie to “jump up and down” on him like a real dog does. Our hope is this will help reduce his anxiety with dogs. I keep trying to get a photo with him, but he moves around so much that it is hard to!

What do you mean – it’s not a kitty?

Another toy that has moved to the top of B-Boy’s list? The tunnel toy… you remember, the one that ChiggerButt showed him how to crawl through it?

He loves to hide in the box part… he will sit in there quietly (come to think of it, it’s the ONLY place he will sit quietly!) and then burst through the door onto his hands with a big ol’ smile on his face. RAR!

He will also crawl to the entrance of the tunnel and ZOOM down to the other side. Sometimes he will turn around and crawl back, but often he will proceed to do the burst out thing I mentioned above.

 I was able to capture some photos, and the ones of the tunnel remind me of the start of a James Bond film. How about you?

So thanks MacFamily and GrandpaGator… you are giving us hours of fun entertainment for the entire family!

Birthday Wishes from AuntJ and Limby

Posted in AuntJ at 1:10 am by nebeli

I sent AuntJ one of my favorite photos of B-Boy.

A little while later, B-Boy received an email from AuntJ and then a package from AuntJ and Limby filled with birthday wishes. I made a few edits to the email for privacy’s sake, but for the most part, it appears unfiltered below.

My dear little B-Boy, I used to be able to sit like that too…until my knees gave out.  You are so blessed to have parents who nurture you, who care so much about you.  I may not be around to see all that you accomplish, but in my heart of hearts, I believe it will be a wondrous thing!  Your daddy was the light of my life when he was your age, and no matter how many degrees he has, he will always be.  Your Mommy is the best blogger I have ever experienced…it’s so wonderful to be included in your life…it’s just like being there.  What a wonderful gift you will have as a grown up person, having all that history available to you.  I am so happy to share in your very first birthday.  I hear that your GranE is coming to see you in November, what a surprise you will be to her, all you’ve learned.  Be sure you show her how you swim.  I was so nervous when she taught your daddy how to swim…putting him in the water and letting him go.  Your mommy is very brave to let you do that too.  I am so glad you are not held back by your parents’ fears.  Never ever forget that you are a very special person…expectations aside…God loves you and so do I. 

P.S. – Tell your Mommy and Daddy to take you to a Jimmy Buffett concert…or you stay with ChiggerButt and let them go.

All in all, a very sweet email of birthday wishes. I hope she doesn’t mind me sharing it, but I wanted to capture it for B-Boy for later. Who knows where that little email will be 10 years from now? 

B-Boy enjoyed the gift, but I think Neb liked it more! Limby and AuntJ sent a stuffed Ole Miss Colonel Rebel. They sure do know the way to Neb’s heart! I captured a few photos of play time with it…

I’m trying to sit like that Colonel, I just can’t do it!
Thanks for the mascot AuntJ and Limby! 
It’s my Daddy’s favorite!
Hey Daddy, will you tell us a story?

Oh, I want to touch the duckie!
Ok B-Boy, but then it’s off to bed!

October 13, 2010

1 Year Check Up

Posted in doctor, shots, stats at 1:09 am by nebeli

B-Boy went back to the doctor for his one year checkup. He had to get two more shots for immunizations and he also got his first flu shot. Since it was his first he has to go back for one more in a month. He did really well with getting them, and bounced back pretty quickly.

He also got his ears and eyes checked- all the fun poky stuff that doctors like to do.

Where are you going to put that?

Um, Dad? Why is Mommy documenting this with a photo?
Cuz that’s what she does son. Get used to it.

B-Boy is right where he should be developmentally. YAY! The doctor says we should not be concerned that he doesn’t say much verbally, since he is growing like a weed, and is obviously developing in other ways. His vocabulary at this point is made up of

  • Kitty
  • Kitty Cat
  • Dada (although we don’t think he gets that it means Daddy yet)
  • Nu-uh
  • Uh-oh

Oh yeah, he gets uh-oh means something fell, but doesn’t get that it means it is unintentional. Why do I say that? Because he will stand in his crib, look at me and say Uh-Oh… and then throw his paci onto the floor below. Nice.

But back to the doctor’s appointment. I know you are wondering what his stats are now, and so without further delay- here they are.

He was 27 pounds and 33 inches long.

Yep, you read that right. Is it no wonder that he is wearing 2T (and sometimes 3T) shirts and size 18 month pants and shorts? Baby boy is a healthy boy, who is way too tall for our own good. Child proofing continues on a rapid pace!

October 6, 2010

More on Turning One!

Posted in birthday, firsts at 12:39 am by nebeli

October 4th was B-Boy’s first birthday.

He sported a new shirt I made him with a “1” on it… which reminded me a little of “Thing 1” from the Cat in the Hat.

I’m 1, which Mommy says means I am no longer Zero!

Wow… I can see a lot from up here!

He went to school and had a great day. On our way home, we stopped at Neb’s work and moved him to the other car so we could take one car home.

What he didn’t know was that Neb had turned his car seat around in the Honda. So now, he is facing forward and he GRINNED the whole way home. One thing we didn’t count on… now there is nothing for his toys to bounce off of… so they go flying when he throws them!

Oh! Now I get to kick YOUR seat. HA!
WOW! Look at all the stuff! The view is great!

When we got home, a gift from Grandpa Gator arrived! He sent the cutest dog pillow that velcros together in the middle to look like a stuffed dog. It’s the same color as our cats, and B-Boy kept calling it a kitty. He hugged it a bit and then got side-tracked by the box it came in.

All in all, it was a great birthday! Before we know it, it will be time for the next one!

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