October 6, 2010

More on Turning One!

Posted in birthday, firsts at 12:39 am by nebeli

October 4th was B-Boy’s first birthday.

He sported a new shirt I made him with a “1” on it… which reminded me a little of “Thing 1” from the Cat in the Hat.

I’m 1, which Mommy says means I am no longer Zero!

Wow… I can see a lot from up here!

He went to school and had a great day. On our way home, we stopped at Neb’s work and moved him to the other car so we could take one car home.

What he didn’t know was that Neb had turned his car seat around in the Honda. So now, he is facing forward and he GRINNED the whole way home. One thing we didn’t count on… now there is nothing for his toys to bounce off of… so they go flying when he throws them!

Oh! Now I get to kick YOUR seat. HA!
WOW! Look at all the stuff! The view is great!

When we got home, a gift from Grandpa Gator arrived! He sent the cutest dog pillow that velcros together in the middle to look like a stuffed dog. It’s the same color as our cats, and B-Boy kept calling it a kitty. He hugged it a bit and then got side-tracked by the box it came in.

All in all, it was a great birthday! Before we know it, it will be time for the next one!

October 5, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday B-Boy!

Posted in birthday, firsts at 12:31 am by nebeli

Wow! B-Boy is one!

To celebrate, we threw a small get-together on Sunday.We invited the MacFamily and my mom, and I made a HUGE cupcake for B-Boy.

My mom wasn’t feeling well, MacDaddy was super sick and Dash had a project due for school. So that meant that it was Neb, me, B-Boy, MacMommy and ChiggerButt. A small group, but it was actually the perfect sized affair.

Hi MacMommy! It’s been awhile! 

When MacMommy and ChiggerButt arrived, B-Boy was asleep, which gave us an opportunity to visit! When he finally woke, ChiggerButt couldn’t keep her hands off him. Once she got all her snuggles in, she showed him how to open his presents!

Oh, so you pull that… or better yet, get someone to pull it for you!

Cool! I got a… what is it?

Dash picked out a nifty new coat for B-Boy in red and black. Too cute! B-Boy also got a new truck, a play tube, and a Kowasaki ride on toy! B-Boy wasn’t sure what to do with the play tube, so ChiggerButt showed him how. She is such a good teacher, that one of the cats learned how to go in and out. B-Boy tries to follow, but is still unsure what to do.

Neb tried to encourage him too, but to no avail. (Look closely in the tube in the photo above to see Neb’s attempt to get B-Boy’s attention.)

His favorite toy was the Kawasaki ride on toy. It was the perfect size for B-Boy, and had LOTS of buttons to push. They play catchy music, engine reving, etc. He really liked pushing the buttons, and Neb showed him how to push himself on it.

GranE and Pop-Pop sent a cute green crocodile toy for his birthday. The toy is also in his daycare, so he knew exactly how to play with it. It was really cute to watch him play.

Once all the playing was finished, we got B-Boy ready to eat. He snacked on his Teriyaki Tofu and cheddar cheese.


And then, we brought in his giant cupcake. We all sang happy birthday and I helped him blow out his candle. And then, B-Boy tried to decide how to best handle it… and lightly touched the icing.

Which led to extreme dislike of a messy hand. He then pushed the cake off of his tray. Thankfully, ChiggerButt made a great catch and saved his cake. (And, we had a seperate cake for the adults to eat!)

More to come! Stay tuned!

October 3, 2010

Looking back, one year ago today

Posted in birthday at 8:00 pm by nebeli

B-Boy was originally expected on October 3rd, which was a Saturday. To be honest, no one thought he was coming anywhere near his due date. I had been to the doctor that Wednesday, and he had said he thought it would be another week or so.

B-Boy decided otherwise.

I was also convinced he wasn’t coming near the day either. As a matter of fact, I just knew I would be back at work on Monday, October 5th. It was a good thing WorkBFF convinced me to clean off my desk and have all my responsibilities accounted for before I left for the weekend, just in case.

At 4pm on October 3rd, B-Boy decided he had cooked long enough, and my labor began. To be honest, I wasn’t really convinced it was REALLY labor- I thought it was Braxton-Hicks contractions. But it was strong enough to make me take care of one-last-thing.

In order to tell you this story properly, I need to go back and tell you another story.

A few weeks before my due date, Neb and I went to the Farmer’s Market in Raleigh to purchase a pumpkin. We chose carefully, as I wanted one that was the SAME size as my belly. It was pretty amusing to see all the other people at the Farmer’s Market watching us pick a pumpkin by comparing it to my belly.

We brought it home and there it sat unitl October 3rd. When my labor started (even though I was still not convinced it was so), I told Neb we should start our jack-o-lantern project. You see, one of the things they tell you as you prepare for child birth is to have a plan of things to do to “distract” you from the labor.

And no, we weren’t going to carve the pumpkin.

Our project? To paint a jack-o-lantern ON my belly.

I had purchased some face paints from a Halloween store, and Neb had the job to paint my belly with them. (Keep in mind neither of us thought we were going to have a baby for a week or so). We laughed at the thought of what would happen if I REALLY was in labor… and went to the hospital with a pumpkin painted on me. Could you imagine the looks on thier faces as they checked my belly? It still makes me chuckle thinking about it.

Once Neb painted it on, we then picked up the pumpkin to take some photos.

Only, the pumpkin that had been so perfectly sized to B-Boy was now tiny in comparrison. It was pretty shocking to see how much he had grown in a short time. But the evidence was there! What do you think?

We took several photos, and then I washed it off. Feeling like we had done all we wanted before the baby arrived, we were now ready for B-Boy. Later that night, the labor progressed and twelve hours after the labor started, I was being admitted to the hospital. I thought it was funny that I was admitted at 4am on October 4th. I still was not convinced that B-Boy was really coming, and I thought they would be sending me home. The pain was immense, and I remember hoping that was not the case!

At 7:16 pm on October 4th, B-Boy made his enterance into the world in a blaze of glory- and we were all changed for the better!

Happy last day of being zero baby boy. Tomorrow you will be one year old!