December 9, 2010

B-Boy goes home sick… for the first time

Posted in firsts, sick at 10:19 pm by nebeli

This week started with four kids in B-Boy’s class going home with a bad cough and a fever. A fifth child had the cough without fever, and that child was B-Boy.

He has felt lousy. Coughing himself awake at night, bad sniffles, and general uncomfortableness has been the norm for him this week. Each day, we would check his temperature, which was normal. So, he would go to daycare where he can run around and play knowing he would be happier there than at home.

Today, he did not eat much for breakfast. (Not a good sign for a kid who eats so well.) When I dropped him off, I told his teacher to call me if he seemed miserable, and I would take him home. At 11am, I got the call. He was running a fever of 100.2 under his arm. At 100 degrees, kids have to go home.

And, since he has to be fever free for 24 hours, he will stay home tomorrow too. I was thinking about this yesterday, and realized he has NEVER been sent home for being sick. He has been sent to the doctor to be checked, but was always cleared to go back. This is a first. I just hope he feels better soon. Poor boy!

When we got home, B-Boy ate a decent lunch of comfort foods (yes, Teriyaki Tofu was on the menu!) and then I put him to sleep. He has been sleeping since one… I have baked chicken in the oven, and am going to go saute some eggplant for him after I post this. A boy should have his favorites when he doesn’t feel well, don’t you think?

November 1, 2010

Looking back at Halloween last year

Posted in firsts at 2:17 am by nebeli

Last year, B-Boy was not quite one month old on Halloween.

Neb and I were talking today about how far we have come… last Halloween, B-Boy was eating every two hours, which meant that we would get an hour of sleep at a go. Needless to say, we were EXHAUSTED last Halloween.

This Halloween, B-Boy is eating solid foods, and he is sleeping through the night. We are all so much better today than we were then. We are all hoping we can say the same next year!

I thought it would be fun to post some pictures from last year, especially since I was not blogging then. Who had the time, or the brain cells???

This one is one of my favorites, he looks so alert and curious!

Last year, B-Boy was a penguin for Halloween. The feet just make me giggle.

Another favorite photo of a sleeping B-Boy, which is probably why I liked it so much!

Do you think Neb and I look tired here? I promise not to post any more photos of me without makeup ever again!!!

This last photo was taken with B-Boy laying on my lap. His torso wouldn’t fit there now… he has grown so much! The one thing I remember when I see this photo is the email GranE sent me when she saw it. In it she asked “Who said Boo!?”

I hope you all had a wonderful Halloween! We sure did!

October 31, 2010

First steps

Posted in firsts at 10:05 pm by nebeli

Today B-Boy took his first steps… there were four in all, and then Bonk! down he went on that cute bottom of his.

This time, it wasn’t the cat that motivated him. It wasn’t his Daddy nor was it his Mommy. It was the TV, which hangs above the fireplace in the living room.

He was holding onto the chair, he turned around, and then he let go. Step…. step-step… step- Bonk.

His arms were outstretched upward as if reaching for whatever was on the screen. I can’t recall what exactly was on the TV at the time, but whatever it was, it sure helped motivate/distract B-Boy!

So it won’t be long until he is walking on his own… my guess is he just wants to show he is ready to go trick or treating… either that or wants to spook some coming here… Either way, I am sure candy will be involved, if his Daddy has anything to do with it. Heh heh.

October 6, 2010

More on Turning One!

Posted in birthday, firsts at 12:39 am by nebeli

October 4th was B-Boy’s first birthday.

He sported a new shirt I made him with a “1” on it… which reminded me a little of “Thing 1” from the Cat in the Hat.

I’m 1, which Mommy says means I am no longer Zero!

Wow… I can see a lot from up here!

He went to school and had a great day. On our way home, we stopped at Neb’s work and moved him to the other car so we could take one car home.

What he didn’t know was that Neb had turned his car seat around in the Honda. So now, he is facing forward and he GRINNED the whole way home. One thing we didn’t count on… now there is nothing for his toys to bounce off of… so they go flying when he throws them!

Oh! Now I get to kick YOUR seat. HA!
WOW! Look at all the stuff! The view is great!

When we got home, a gift from Grandpa Gator arrived! He sent the cutest dog pillow that velcros together in the middle to look like a stuffed dog. It’s the same color as our cats, and B-Boy kept calling it a kitty. He hugged it a bit and then got side-tracked by the box it came in.

All in all, it was a great birthday! Before we know it, it will be time for the next one!

October 5, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday B-Boy!

Posted in birthday, firsts at 12:31 am by nebeli

Wow! B-Boy is one!

To celebrate, we threw a small get-together on Sunday.We invited the MacFamily and my mom, and I made a HUGE cupcake for B-Boy.

My mom wasn’t feeling well, MacDaddy was super sick and Dash had a project due for school. So that meant that it was Neb, me, B-Boy, MacMommy and ChiggerButt. A small group, but it was actually the perfect sized affair.

Hi MacMommy! It’s been awhile! 

When MacMommy and ChiggerButt arrived, B-Boy was asleep, which gave us an opportunity to visit! When he finally woke, ChiggerButt couldn’t keep her hands off him. Once she got all her snuggles in, she showed him how to open his presents!

Oh, so you pull that… or better yet, get someone to pull it for you!

Cool! I got a… what is it?

Dash picked out a nifty new coat for B-Boy in red and black. Too cute! B-Boy also got a new truck, a play tube, and a Kowasaki ride on toy! B-Boy wasn’t sure what to do with the play tube, so ChiggerButt showed him how. She is such a good teacher, that one of the cats learned how to go in and out. B-Boy tries to follow, but is still unsure what to do.

Neb tried to encourage him too, but to no avail. (Look closely in the tube in the photo above to see Neb’s attempt to get B-Boy’s attention.)

His favorite toy was the Kawasaki ride on toy. It was the perfect size for B-Boy, and had LOTS of buttons to push. They play catchy music, engine reving, etc. He really liked pushing the buttons, and Neb showed him how to push himself on it.

GranE and Pop-Pop sent a cute green crocodile toy for his birthday. The toy is also in his daycare, so he knew exactly how to play with it. It was really cute to watch him play.

Once all the playing was finished, we got B-Boy ready to eat. He snacked on his Teriyaki Tofu and cheddar cheese.


And then, we brought in his giant cupcake. We all sang happy birthday and I helped him blow out his candle. And then, B-Boy tried to decide how to best handle it… and lightly touched the icing.

Which led to extreme dislike of a messy hand. He then pushed the cake off of his tray. Thankfully, ChiggerButt made a great catch and saved his cake. (And, we had a seperate cake for the adults to eat!)

More to come! Stay tuned!

August 30, 2010

I’m Walking on Sunshine!

Posted in firsts, walking at 1:43 am by nebeli

B-Boy is not walking on his own, but he sure wants too.

He is walking great hanging on to things, like the edge of the couch or the pack-n-play. He will even reluctantly walk if you hold his hands above his head and walk behind him.

But today, he took a new step in the direction of walking on his own. He used his V-tech Learning Walker in a different way. Normally, he just sits on his knees and plays with the front of it… making music play and lights blink. For the past few weeks, he has been pulling up on the walker, and pushing it against the wall.

Today was different. He played with it as he normally does, and kept pulling up on it, but he tried to push it from the front more than he usually does. Which got me thinking… I wonder if he wants to use the “walker” part of the toy.

So I moved it to the center of the room, and helped him pull up behind it. The next thing I knew, ZOOM! He took off walking!

I grabbed the closest camera to take some video for you. It’s not the best video, and I wish the angle had been better. I hope you will still enjoy it!

August 28, 2010

And he’s climbing a stairway…

Posted in firsts at 1:16 am by nebeli

On Wednesday, I got to go play with B-Boy at lunch. He and his toddler friends usually go to sleep at one, and the baby in the room was sleeping, so we went into the common Atrium area to play.

We had a blast. B-Boy started with a music table that is perfect for standing or sitting. I then pushed him in the cart KidN pushed him in… and then we played CRAWL AROUND, which basically means you crawl around the outskirts of the Atrium as FAST as you can.

Which led us to an activity area that had a set of stairs and a slide. (See the photo below.) The steps are built for little ones… because they are about two-thirds the height of normal steps.

B-Boy quickly put his hands on the second stair. I crawled over and put my hands over him onto the third step. B-Boy had a hard time knowing what to do next, so I put my knee on the second step and then pulled up. B-Boy hesitated and then he proceeded to move up to the next step. Before we knew it, he was at the very top.

I then moved down to the bottom and around to the slide. B-Boy let me move his feet to the top of the slide, and then WHEEEEEEEeeeee! Down the slide he went. Although he didn’t seem as happy about that as I did.

A few moments later, he was back over to the stairs again. I grabbed my camera and snapped a few photos for you. B-Boy was moving so fast, the pictures got a bit blurry.

It won’t be long until he is doing this at home. I am SOOOO not ready for that.

June 23, 2010

B-Boy’s first trim

Posted in firsts, hair at 2:04 am by nebeli

B-Boy was born with a full head of hair. He kept most of it, but a lot of it fell out in the tub a few weeks after he was born.

As such, he has a really full head of hair now. Well, actually, he has a lot of hair fluffing around his ears and flopping into his eyes.

I finallly could not take it anymore, and sat him down for a trim. It doesn’t count as a full haircut, since I only trimmed around his ears and the front of his head. Part the way through, he started putting his jaw in a silly position. I think he is enjoying the new tooth… and the difference it feels on his gums. Afterward, he finished up with a bowl of yummy spinach, and we were both happier once it was over.

He’s still a cutie!!!

June 19, 2010

A big week of firsts

Posted in crawl, firsts at 6:01 pm by nebeli

This week has flown by, and much of that is due to the fact that B-Boy has had a BIG week of firsts. There is so much to tell you, so I will break it up into several posts- with lots of photos.

On Monday, I went to feed B-Boy his bottle at the daycare. When I walked in, all three of his teachers said “Your world is about to completely change! Come see what B-Boy can do now!”

And then I watch B-Boy crawl.

Well, more like crawl-like. He would lay on his tummy, put his hands out far in front of him as he could, and PULLLLLL himself forward. Then he would stretch his arms out again, and continue the process.

It was amazing.

How did I get here?


When we got home, B-Boy showed Neb what he can now. It was so fun to watch, and Neb was really excited to see B-Boy moving. I was so proud that he was still doing it, and could show his Daddy.

Since then, he has gotten better and better at it, and raises himself up in the air on all fours. He isn’t crawling that way yet, but is so very close.

He moves all over now, and his world has opened up. He can now get to his toys and more importantly, his pacifiers. Life is good.

May 31, 2010

Riding in a Shopping Cart

Posted in firsts at 4:16 pm by nebeli

A few weeks ago, B-Boy came out of the stoller, and got to ride in the shopping cart at the grocery store!

I had purchased a fabric cover to go in the cart. It is fluffy and has lots of loops to hook his toys to, which was a good thing, because sometimes B-Boy needs to chew on a giraffe or two!

B-Boy sat in the cart amazed. He kept looking around in wide eyed wonder. He did really well with his balance, and sat up the entire time, even while moving.

I think he was surveying his kingdom, taking in his subjects from a new angle. He even won over the cashier with his big blue eyes and toothy grin… well, two teethy grin!

I like this roller coaster Mommy! Let’s do this again!

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