January 5, 2010

Happy 3 month old!

Posted in 3 month, daycare, smile at 1:20 am by nebeli

One more day folks… that’s how much time I have left on my leave. Where did the 12 weeks go? I was fortunate to have enough vacation to take all paid time off after my maternity leave ended. YAY! But now it is all but gone, and on Wednesday I head back to work. I will be going half days this week, and then on Monday the 11th, I am back full time.
I am just amazed that the time has flown by so quickly. And, that B-Boy is officially 3 months old today!

To celebrate, Neb took the day off and played with him for most of the day. He’s so good with him, I just have to get some video of the two of them playing for you to see. Neb will feed him every morning, and then put him in his swing for a rowdy game of Smile. This is basically Neb making funny faces and noises and B-Boy smiling and turning his head – sometimes covering his eyes with his arm. It’s really cute. Today, Neb was giggling during Smile, and B-Boy giggled back at him. Neb’s reaction was priceless- he was so excited.

Then Neb will eventually put him in the activity gym where he plays with his legs… bicycle pumps, swimming strokes and ski motions are the norm… and then punching the stuffed monkey and bug that hang from the arches of the gym is usually repeated several times. Neb also rolls him to the left and then to the right. The funny thing about this is that Neb will jerk his own head in the direction he is going to roll B-Boy and say “are you ready to roll?” and then he rolls B-Boy in that direction while saying “Roll OVERRRRR” in a singsong voice. Why is that funny you ask? It’s not. What is funny is that B-Boy has figured out what Neb’s head jerk means, and will lower his shoulder so that he can easily roll that way.

How do we know this you ask? Simple. Neb did not tell me this trick. I tried the roll game and it did not go so well… B-Boy’s head was flopping around and not rolling over as smoothly as he does for Neb. Silly Neb, not sharing his tricks! HA! But we figured it out and now I am rolling him just fine thank you!

But I get off track… where was I? Oh yes, B-Boy is 3 months today and will be going to daycare when I go back to work. We went to his classroom today to drop off some paperwork, diapers and clothes and for us all to see his teachers again. I got to ask more questions because face it, I was braindead at our last meeting… and have thought of lots more questions the closer to reality we get! It was nice to be back in his classroom and to see his teachers again.

Personally, I am looking forward to getting back to work and finding some balance. I feel really good about this for several reasons.

  1. His daycare is at my work. He will be 2 buildings away and I can get there very quickly if need be!
  2. As long as my schedule works out, I can go over to see him, feed him or snuggle him whenever I want.
  3. My friend Cat’s two children have gone there and she raves about it. She even took me over to observe her son ‘s room when I was pregnant. So, it’s not totally unknown.
  4. He will have 2 teachers and one aide. And, only 6 babies (including him) in the room. That’s three adults to 6 kids!
  5. His primary teacher has been there at the daycare doing this for 20 years… Yes, you read that right, 20 years. Where else can you get that?
  6. I really love the work that I do, and truely believe it makes me a better person, which will make me a better and happier mom. 
  7. I am sure Neb would like my side of our conversations to include topics other than B-Boy or schedules…

So, I plan on enjoying my last day home with B-Boy. I’ll let you know how our first day goes… Think happy thoughts for us!