June 1, 2010

So Long Swing, Old Friend!

Posted in swing at 2:09 am by nebeli

B-Boy, age 6 weeks, in his beloved swing

This weekend, Neb and I packed up B-Boy’s infant swings.

The “My Little Lamb” swing from Fisher Price was a godsend when we brought B-Boy home. It was snuggly and cuddly, and would swing either side to side or front to back. B-Boy was very colicky, and there were many nights (and days!) when the only time he would sleep (or stop screaming) was in that swing.

It worked so well, we ended up buying a second one for upstairs.

Add a running hair dryer under it to make white noise, and you have the formula for an hours peace, my friend.

Since B-Boy is so big, he has outgrown the swing. Actually, he outgrew it a few months ago, but I didn’t have the heart to pack it up. How has he gotten so long as to be too long for his beloved swing? When he hit the 22 pound mark (the limit for the swing), I relented to pack it up.

And the sad part is that he has also outgrown his Exersaucer (again, too tall), and is almost too big for the Johnny Jump up swing in the doorway. It goes to 25 pounds, but the spring is almost completely at its max when he is in it. He just loves playing in it, and I have NO CLUE what we will do when he finally is too big for the thing. Any ideas?

I know some of you might think I am exagerating (ok, maybe just GranE), but to put this in perspective, this almost 8 month old has almost outgrown his 18 month old sized clothes. Yes, B-Boy is about to move into 24 month and 2T sized clothes.

And his diaper size? Currently he is in a size 4, but is close to moving up to a size 5. Again, he’s not chubby or fat, he’s just that LONG!!!

So we say goodbye to the beloved swing, and the tiny little B-Boy that went with it. Like it or not, B-Boy is growing up. Next up? Crawling perhaps? Neb is helping him learn how to get in to the position to crawl, and he has started rocking back and forth. We’ll see how long it takes.

And me? I will try not to dwell on my baby boy getting older, or how he will never be this size again. I hope to cherish all the moments in the present that I can.

May 31, 2010

Just a Swingin’

Posted in swing at 5:32 pm by nebeli

One Friday, not too long ago, I went to feed B-Boy at the Daycare. I am really fortunate that he is just up the hill at my work, in easy walking distance. I am even more fortunate that I get to go see him anytime I want, schedule permitting.

B-Boy’s teachers like it too. B-Boy can sometimes be difficult to feed, and so if I feed him one of his two bottles, then they are free to do other things! One more thing you should know… B-Boy has a new habit of squealing at a very HIGH pitch, very loudly.Not only does it bother the humans in the room, waking all the infants, but it can summon dogs!

Ok, maybe not summon dogs, but it sure is close!

So as to avoid waking any of the other children, I took him outside to feed him. On this particular day, it was quite beautiful outside. We usually go to the atrium area inside the daycare, but on this beautiful day, I took him behind the daycare, where there are swings!

After his bottle was finished, we played a bit on the mat outside. But I just could not help myself. You see, I loved swings when I was a kid… and in grad school when I got really stressed, Neb would take me to a park to swing. It always made me feel better to pump my legs, feeling the air fly past my head, getting higher and higher.

And no, I did not jump onto the swing at daycare. I put B-Boy in it! It was the first time I had done that with him (I think he had played in the swing a few times with the other babies when I was not there). He adored it. Back and forth, faster and faster. And everytime he got close to me (I faced him from a bench to push him), he would break into a big toothy grin. (With the two teeth he has!)

Doesn’t it look fun?