April 10, 2010

B-Boy’s six month checkup

Posted in doctor, height, stats, weight at 2:01 pm by nebeli

B-Boy went to the doctor again on Wednesday. But not because he was sick… it was time for his six month checkup!

He got weighed and measured. He is 20.2 pounds and 28.5 inches long! I think he would have been heavier, but he was eating half of what he had been while he was sick… Incidentally, he is much better now!

Neb played with him while we waited to be seen. He was trying to see if B-Boy would be interested in a small object, and if he would try to pick it up. It is a milestone skill and was on the evaluation we needed to fill out. And guess what? He can! It was really cute to watch!

Hey Mom, look at me sitting up!

Oh, you have pincher thingies too!

He got 2 of his 4 shots and 1 liquid vaccination. He wasn’t happy but after a quick bottle and snuggle, life was good again!

March 15, 2010

Aliens came and made me exercise on a farm!

Posted in exersaucer, height, upright at 12:33 pm by nebeli

Well, not quite! You see, I bought B-Boy an Exersaucer. It’s a jumper that sits on a rounded surface so that it lists around. (Kind of like training wheels make a bike list if you aren’t balanced.) Whhhhheeeeeeeeeee…..

It’s got a farmland theme, cows and pigs and chickens. B-Boy loved it.

Finally, upright! Ahh…. this feels good!

It has three different heights, and usually folks start using them at 4 months. Now, B-Boy is just over 5 months old…  so I was curious how he would like it, and what height he would need.

We sat him in it on level one, the shortest. Too short.

We moved it to level two, much higher. Still, too short!

So, he happily used it on the tallest height.

My friends at daycare are gonna be so jealous…
How do I know? Even I can’t stop drooling!

He likes chewing on the toys, and I think it is a success. We shall see!