April 3, 2010

B-Boy’s favorite game

Posted in game at 1:02 pm by nebeli

I realized this morning that I have not shared with you B-Boy’s favorite game! It’s a take on Peek-A-Boo…

We call it “Where’s B-Boy?“… and it usually goes like this.

I will lay a blanket or burp cloth over his head and say “Where’s B-Boy?

B-Boy will then lay really still, so as to not be discovered. I then repeat “Where’s B-Boy? He was RIGHT here a second ago!” B-Boy then starts wiggling in anticipation.

Is he under this foot?”, I say as I lift his foot up. “No, not there. How about under this leg?

And then one of two things happens. He will either start pulling on the cloth to reveal his face, or he will squirm in the fun expecting me to pull off the cloth.

When his face is revealed, I exclaim “There he is!” B-Boy gets the biggest smile on his face as if to say “Silly Mommy, I was here all the time! I’m a good hider!!” And then we start the game over again.

Which reminds me… Where’s B-Boy?