April 10, 2010

GranE and Pop-Pop

Posted in first visit, GranE, Pop-Pop at 2:25 pm by nebeli

Guess who is here for a visit?

GranE and Pop-Pop! This is GranE’s third visit and Pop-Pop’s first. They drove their RV from California and arrived on Tuesday. GranE was shocked at how much B-Boy had grown, and couldn’t wait to get her hands on him. Once she got her B-Boy fix (aka, he got too heavy to hold), she handed him to Pop-Pop.

I’m confused… You get to live with GranE?
No wonder she’s so happy! I love you Pop-Pop!

The next day, I was able to capture more photos…

WOW! I get lots of attention. I like visitors!

GranE watched B-Boy so that Neb and I could have a dinner date. Ah, free time!!!! We went to dinner at one of our favorite seafood spots… now that I am done pumping, I can have OYSTERS!!!! They were yummy! I hadn’t had oysters in over a year, and they were on my short list of things I can’t wait to eat. (The list contains oysters and clams, margaritas, sushi, milk, and ICE CREAM!) After putting away an entire peck of steamed oysters and a glass of wine, I was quite happy. Thanks GranE for the break!

Having GranE and Pop-Pop here got me thinking about first visits.

My Dad, GrandpaGator, visited B-Boy from Florida while we were in the hospital. Day 2 to be exact. Here is a picture I took at that visit.

My mom, Mema, also visited that day in the hospital.

GranE was here when B-Boy was 2 weeks old. Here is the first photo I have of her with him.

Neb’s aunt, AuntJ, visited us while his mom was here for her first visit. My goodness he was small!

Wow. It’s amazing how much he has changed. I wonder what my Dad’s reaction will be the next time he sees B-Boy!