November 25, 2010

B-Boy gets a haircut

Posted in hair at 1:55 am by nebeli

Actually, he got several of them cut! Hee hee.

GranE and I took B-Boy to get his first official haircut this week. I have cut his hair several times at home but now that he is mobile it is much more difficult (and dangerous!). He turns his head so quickly to see what Mommy has in her hand, and will take off if not strapped into his high chair. Just not good.

And, he was in great need of a haircut. So, off to Sports Clips we went. I thought that the TVs, football on said TVs and all the bright colors would distract him long enough to get his hair cut. They took him right away, and we decided the best way would be for B-Boy to sit in my lap. GranE was sweet enough to take photos for us.

A gown was wrapped around his neck, and he sat down quietly, taking everything in. To be sure he was comfy, I gave him a pacifier, which worked like a charm. The woman who cut his hair was really sweet and patient… but most importantly- FAST!

She cut one side, and then I moved him to sit on the other leg, so that he could get the other side cut. No complaints. YAY!

Then she cut the top, front and then the back. All was well until the very end.

When she brought out the clippers. B-Boy tolerated the clippers for a few moments, and then crawled up my lap to put his head above my shoulders. She finished pretty quickly and then brought out the hair dryer to get the fallen pieces of hair off of him. Big mistake, because the melt down began.

He started to cry, and then we decided we were indeed done. GranE took him outside while I paid the good folks at Sports Clips. It was a great haircut, and I cannot get over how much older he looks now!

What do you think?

How do I look?

June 23, 2010

B-Boy’s first trim

Posted in firsts, hair at 2:04 am by nebeli

B-Boy was born with a full head of hair. He kept most of it, but a lot of it fell out in the tub a few weeks after he was born.

As such, he has a really full head of hair now. Well, actually, he has a lot of hair fluffing around his ears and flopping into his eyes.

I finallly could not take it anymore, and sat him down for a trim. It doesn’t count as a full haircut, since I only trimmed around his ears and the front of his head. Part the way through, he started putting his jaw in a silly position. I think he is enjoying the new tooth… and the difference it feels on his gums. Afterward, he finished up with a bowl of yummy spinach, and we were both happier once it was over.

He’s still a cutie!!!

November 16, 2009

Baby Fuzz

Posted in hair at 1:55 pm by nebeli

Aside from being cute and cuddly, have you noticed babies are fuzzy? Well, mine is at least!

B-boy was born with a full head of hair… so fine and fuzzy that he reminded me of a muppet!  I thought that his hair would fall out that first night, as my parents told me happened with me. But on Day 2, he still had a full head of hair! Same thing weeks later…

Well, it is finally starting to fall out. And it is not happening all at once, like I thought it would. It is starting at the front and gradually falling out towards the back! I didn’t know where the hair was going until last night.

B-boy had his first bath in the baby bathtub last night. Prior to that, he was getting sponge baths because he hated being washed, and I was able to keep him warm by covering him with the towel when I was washing another area. The tub worked great, and he hardly cried at all. He really enjoyed the bath in the tub (until I washed his hair)!

Afterward, Neb took him to get dressed while I cleaned up the bath stuff. I started to empty the tub, and noticed the bottom had lots of tiny short hairs floating around! He still has lots of hair on his head, but at least the mystery of where the hairs are going is solved!

Now if we can just figure out who killed JFK, all will be known! 🙂