April 10, 2010

Easter with Mema

Posted in firsts, holiday, Mema at 1:23 pm by nebeli

Forgive me for getting a bit behind in my posting. With B-Boy’s 6 month birthday, I officially stopped breastfeeding and pumping. Since I often wrote while pumping, I am trying to figure out how to continue the blog without impacting the family. We shall see.

But I am getting off topic here. Let’s get back on track, shall we?

B-Boy had other adventures for Easter, one being a visit to his Mema (my mother) in North Raleigh. The visit started later than we thought it would as B-Boy took a HUGE nap. When we got there, Mema met us in the lobby. She was SHOCKED at how big he was, and wanted to hold him.

Now I am sure this won’t be the last time I say this, but he is quite HEAVY. He doesn’t look it, because he is so long and slender… but baby boy is solid. So the first thing I tell someone who wants to hold him is “He’s heavier than you think.” I just don’t want someone to drop him or hurt themselves!

So Mema held him for awhile, until he got a bit to heavy. We went to her apartment where B-Boy sat up on her couch. Ok, he didn’t actually sit on his own, he was propped up by the back and arm of the couch. It struck me what a big boy he is becoming!

Hey Mom, you gotta try this couch. It’s so COMFY!

He also showed Mema his new trick of rolling from his tummy to his back. We could not get him to stay on his tummy, silly B-Boy was too proud to show how quick he could do his new skill. Not sure how we are going to get him to do tummy time now… Staples, perhaps? 😉

Mema gave B-Boy his first Easter Basket! It was too cute, the basket was blue and had an Eeyore head on it. The Eeyore has a set of bunny ears on, and B-Boy liked pulling on them. In the basket was a ducky teething rattle, which he immediately started putting in his mouth and waving it around. He also got a shiney rattle with beads… it was easy to grasp and B-Boy liked watching the beads.

Ooooh, Crinkle Packaging, I LOVE Crinkle Packaging!!!

He also got some socks. Which made me giggle. If you have been following B-Boy’s adventures here, you know that finding socks that fit him has been a challenge. Mema got him socks in size 18-36 months. We shall see if they fit.

Finally, there was the cutest stuffed Eeyore that B-Boy played with all the way home. It is now in his rotation for “Car Seat Toys”! It was a good visit, Mema seemed in good health, and I think she got her B-Boy fix!

This was fun, but it’s HOT!

March 13, 2010

Mema goes to daycare

Posted in daycare, Mema at 2:16 pm by nebeli

I am so behind in posting! I shall try to get you all caught up on B-Boy’s adventures.

About a month ago (right before Valentine’s Day), my Mom got to visit B-Boy’s daycare for the first time. She has a doctor whose office is right behind my work, and so it was the perfect time for her to stop by after her appointment.

She got to see his hook outside the room, with his photo and his name… and a bag to keep clean socks in for Mommy and Daddy. (You have to remove your shoes before you go in since the babies who crawl put their hands in their mouths.)

She then got to meet each of the teachers I talk so much about… and then take a tour of the room. When B-Boy woke from his nap, she got to hold him and then feed him. I kept snapping photos, and this series makes me giggle…

She seemed to enjoy the visit, and really gets a kick out of him being in a Montessouri school setting… since I was in one as a child.

More to come…