April 5, 2010


Posted in 1/2, 6 months, jumper, t-shirt at 1:45 am by nebeli

Yep. B-Boy is one half today… that’s six months for you non-math geeks.

To celebrate, I made him a T-Shirt. When is he ever going to be exactly one half again? Never! So he gets a shirt. Funny thing is, it’s an 12 month old sized t-shirt, which actually, should probably have been 18 months sized. He is consistently wearing 18 month old sized clothes now… AT 6 MONTHS!!! Yikes. It’s not that he is fat, he is just so long!!! Long torso, long arms, and long legs. B-Boy is definately his dad.

Would someone please make my mom STOP using the sewing machine?

One new thing B-Boy did today… I hung up his jumper swing. My friend, WorkBFF, told me her kids LOVED it. I bought one used, scrubbed it, and sanitized it before hanging it up. B-Boy had a ball jumping up and down. The video is a bit long… but I could not resist sharing it with you.
