September 5, 2010

11 Months

Posted in 11 months, park at 2:27 am by nebeli

Today, B-Boy is 11 months old. Wow. In just one month, we will be able to turn his car seat around, and a whole new world will open up for us in the car. It’s hard to believe that this time last year, I was stressing about his soon-to-be arrival. The year has flown by very quickly.

We started the day by sleeping in. Ahhhhh, wonderful sleep. B-Boy seems to sense that it is a holiday weekend (it is Labor Day, after all)… so he was nice enough to sleep very late. Once he woke, he got his bottle and then we headed downstairs for breakfast. He ate 3 ounces of oatmeal and half a bananna while I made pancakes.

Which reminds me, in my last post, I forgot to mention that B-Boy LOVE LOVE LOVES pancakes. He gets a small amount of butter on top (no syrup), and it gets cuts into squares he can pick up himself. You want to see pure bliss? Watch B-Boy eat one of his Mama’s pancakes… a hint of vanilla and cinnamon make them quite yummy.

After breakfast, we played for a while and then went to the pool. It was a bit chilly in the water (the high today was supposed to be 85 degrees, perfect for outdoor activities, but it made the pool a bit cold). But we still had a blast. B-Boy really likes being in the water.

When we got home, B-Boy ate several ounces of eggplant and hamburger. He was quite the mess when he was done, which was actually ok because he went directly to the bathtub. Oh what fun he had with his toys in the tub today!

He then took the longest nap… it lasted about three hours. That is why you were able to get that last post about what he is eating now! When he woke, he ate some mangos and drank his formula from a cup. We then packed him up for a field trip. I found a park in our town that looked pretty nifty, so we decided to take him and see what we could do there.

We pushed him around the walking trail, until we found a nice fluffy patch of grass in the shade. We spread a blanket out and B-Boy played with his trucks on it while we got comfy. It was funny to watch B-Boy crawl around the blanket, as he treated the edge like a fence he should not cross… until he eventually did. He especially enjoyed crawling on his Daddy, and trying to take the camera out of my hand. It was interesting to watch him touch the grass and process what that felt like – it was his first time actually playing in the grass!

Wheeeee…. This is fun Daddy!

Neb got up and let B-Boy walk in the grass for a while. He would hold B-Boy’s hands up in the air, and B-Boy would take his steps one after another. He is doing most of the work now, Neb is just there mostly for balance… and cheering.

Look Mommy, I’m a monster! Grrrrr…..

There was a playground area for kids 6 and under at the park. We spent some time there, and B-Boy and I went down the small slide together a few times. B-Boy is still unsure if it was fun or not. He was all smiles at the bottom, but the middle was a bit touch and go.


After the slide, we walked around the park on the walking trail. It was such a beautiful day, with a slight breeze. We ended the walk at the baby swings, and we could not resist letting B-Boy swing for a while. He really liked that swing… I think it reminded him of his bouncer that he no longer fits in.
I was able to get some cute pictures of him. I do hope you enjoy them.

We took another long walk once we got home, so we are pretty sure B-Boy got his fair share of fresh air today. He is sleeping now, and I am happy to tell you that he fell asleep very quickly after his bottle.
So, we did a lot today as a family to celebrate his 11 months on this earth. We hope the day was as fun for you as it was for us, and that you all have a wonderful Labor Day weekend.

Go have some fun! Ha Ha!