February 9, 2010

Dr. Roll Foot Massage

Posted in 4 month, feet, foot, massage, saints, weight at 2:13 am by nebeli

Much to update you on today’s adventures.

Today, B-Boy went for his four month check up. That meant S-H-O-T-S… 😦

He got weighed, measured, poked and prodded today. I know you are curious, so I am dashing off this quick update… my appologies if it is not very entertaining today.

Before I get to the numbers, while we were waiting for the doctor today, B-Boy found his feet! We had stripped him down to his diaper and he was laying on the examining table/bench thingie… he lifted his legs up in the air. Next thing I know, he is grabbing his feet!!! He then continued to hold them and pull him toward his face. Too cute!

The doctor came in and said B-Boy was right on track for most of the developemental milestones and ahead on the rest. YAY! They measured him and both the nurses were SHOCKED at how long his was… 26.5 inches. His head? 17.25 inches. His weight? We learned from the pediatrician that his weight should double his birthweight at six months of age. Guess what? Drum roll please! He weighs 17 pounds 8 ounces! Which means he has doubled his weight in four months!!!! Yikes! He is in the 90th percentile for weight and height. Wow.

Holy moly, B-Boy is growing up! And fast… but he sure feels heavier… and that was BEFORE he ate his bottle!

B-Boy also got 3 of his 6 immunizations… one liquid to drink, and two shots. We will go back next week for 2 more shots, and then the following one for the last. I just can’t put 5 needles into him on one day… poor guy. He held himself pretty well, and bounced back quickly.

We then went back to daycare… where he spent the remainder of the day. After daycare, two of his teachers held an infant massage class. To get started, we lay B-Boy on his fuzzy blanket on the floor. One of my coworkers and her husband sat next to us with her son who is 3 weeks younger than B-Boy. B-Boy must have really liked them, because the next thing I knew, he rolled onto his side all by himself to get a better look!

WOW! He did this several times, and on both sides. It is only a matter of time before he is rolling all the way…

The massage class went well. B-Boy was very relaxed afterward… as a matter of fact, he could barely keep his eyes open during his last bottle. So, the busy day has settled into a quiet night, and we are oh so grateful.

So, I hope you enjoyed the update, and that the confusing title makes more sense now. He found his feet, got a massage, rolled on his side, and went to the doctor. Odd title, but my brain is tired… was up late watching the Saints beat the Colts to win their first Superbowl! Whoo-hoo… Who Dat!