March 31, 2010

Be the Ball… and Roll!

Posted in costume, firsts, roll over at 2:36 am by nebeli

I know you are eager to see B-Boy’s next costume, and you probably thought it would be Easter related. But you would be wrong.

We live in North Carolina, and we can’t let the month of March end without a costume to pay tribute to March Madness!!!

I found a cute basketball-like material, kinda rubbery and bumpy like a basketball…. and decided B-Boy had to be a basketball for March Madness. I hope you enjoy his photos…

Be the Ball, got it Dad!
Wow, I even make THIS look GOOD!

B-Boy went to daycare wearing his costume… he wanted to show his teachers!

Someone make my mommy stop using the sewing machine, please!

The costume fun continued later this evening… B-Boy and Neb watched Ole Miss playing in the Final Four of the NIT Basketball Tournament. B-Boy played with his half ball with Dad for a bit.

Dad, where’s the hoop?

Oh, and speaking of goofy… He took a BIG nap at daycare today. I think being a ball and having to bounce wore him out! 🙂 For some reason, I giggled watching him sleep. I took a picture so you could see why. His eyes are covered by the blanket on his lovey, apparently he likes his eyes shaded, and likes to rub the soft. silky fabric on his head by shaking it back and forth. Too funny.

Where are the grapes and palm fronds?
Good help is SOOO hard to find!

I think that he was channeling being a ball today, because he rolled over from his tummy to his back for the FIRST TIME at daycare today!!!  He hasn’t done it at home, but he did at daycare. Only, no one actually saw it. One of his teachers put him down on his tummy. A few minutes later, another of his teachers asked if she had turned B-Boy to his back. Then they realized no one did, except B-Boy! He turned over!

I am not suprised. He turned from his back to his tummy at daycare for the first time. I was fortunate to be there for that… and I know it won’t be long before he does it for us at home. I’ll keep you posted!

March 29, 2010

Poor B-Boy, he’s still sick.. but improving!

Posted in cough, Croup, sick, teething at 2:34 am by nebeli

Last week, I just couldn’t sit by any longer. B-Boy was not getting better. In fact, he sounded worse.

If you remember, a few weeks ago, B-Boy was diagnosed with a mild Croup. Well, either he got something in addition to that, or the Croup is worse. On Monday, one of his teachers called me saying his cough sounded really bad, and she was concerned.

So back to the doctor we went. Only I couldn’t see our regular one, so we saw another in the practice. I was told his ears were clear, and that his chest sounded clear too. His chest didn’t sound that good to me, but OK… at least I knew it was not an ear infection.

Fast forward to Tuesday evening. I returned from Williamsburg, snuggled up to B-Boy, and his breathing sounded really bad. His cough was wetter sounding and he just looked miserable. He wasn’t eating like normal, after about 4 ounces, he would stop. (He normally eats 7 ounces at a time.) He would cough himself awake several times at night, so in the morning he would be exhausted.

So, on Wednesday, I called back to Healthcare and asked for an appointment with our regular doctor. At 1:30, B-Boy and I went to see her. We basically heard the same thing… ears clear, chest ok. She was hesitant to put him on an antibotic, but if he didn’t get better, she would. She suggested he not go back to daycare. Sigh.

So off I went to notify his daycare that he was going home, what the diagnosis (or lack thereof) was, and to tell my boss that I needed to go home. One of his teachers was really upset that they did nothing, since his chest and cough sounded just like another boy in the room, who is on an antibiotic and breathing treatment. To hear her so upset, broke my heart, and also made the little voice in the back of my head say “see, you aren’t crazy… do something!”

So I did. My OB’s wife is a pediatrician. I had researched her when trying to decide on B-Boy’s care. I looked up her number and called, thinking that if they had availability, we would go. They did, and we did a half an hour later.

The pediatrician, Dr. Z, was wonderful. She tested his oxygen levels by clipping something to his big toe, and took blood.She heard a rasp in his chest, and said his white blood count was elevated, indicating he is fighting off some kind of infection. She perscribed some antibiotics, and suggested he do a breathing treatment. Afterward, they tested his oxygen again. Since it was improved, and he sounded better, she sent us home with a loaner machine and told us to come back on Friday.

He has improved greatly since then. His breathing is better, his cough reduced, and he is back to eating normally. YAY! Baby boy is smiling again, and seems more his old self.

Now if there was just something we could do for this teething thing… Dr. Z showed me he has 2 teeth coming up on the bottom!

March 27, 2010

A date with a gator girl

Posted in date, MusicLady at 12:29 am by nebeli

Yesterday, B-Boy went to daycare to find MusicLady had returned! He is still feeling pretty crummy, so it was a nice diversion from his icky feelings.

She sang songs and played that fun pink guitar. Most of the other kids were doing other things, so B-Boy got her all to himself, which suited him JUST fine thank you very much. He really enjoyed the music and the attention. Heh heh.

Hey MusicLady, I don’t feel good… sing me a song to forget.
Oh yeah, that’s what I’m talkin’ about! Go MusicLady!

At lunch time, I went over to feed him. Afterward, I asked where his teacher’s wanted him. Since he has reflux, he needs to sit up after he eats. One of the other babies was sitting in the bouncer seat by the Fish TV. His teacher said, “Why not sit him over there by L-Girl? They can have a date watching Fish TV… but don’t tell his friend BoyN because they had a date earlier.”

So L-Girl got two dates in one day, and B-Boy was happy to oblige. They played with a large stuffed alligator, and also showed each other how they like to play with their feet.

I like playing with my right foot first, and then my left.
Me too! That is so amazing, we have lots in common!

I took some pictures (of course!) and one of his teachers came over to take a photo as well. She is young, blonde, pregnant, and B-Boy adores her. I’m chopped liver when she is around. I thought it was funny he immediately looked over at her when she approached as if to say “Girl, what girl? I only have eyes for you!”

Oh HELLOoooo Teacher, I didn’t know you were there…
Oh, it’s you mom, could you PLEASE stop that? You’re killin’ my vibe.

So L-Girl isn’t the only one two-timing!

March 24, 2010

My first day away from B-Boy *gulp*

Posted in leaving B-Boy, toy, trip away, water at 1:53 am by nebeli

Well, I knew it would happen eventually… and I also knew it would not be easy. One day, I was going to have to leave my son. To not see him ALL day.

Today was that day. I had to go to the College of William & Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia to give a presentation to some business majors. Fortunately, it is only 3.5 hours away from my house, so I decided to drive up this morning to minimize my time away. I am just not ready yet for an overnight visit away from B-Boy… and Neb too, yeah, Neb too.

I woke at 5am to get ready with the intention of leaving by 7am. I was sad to think that B-Boy might not wake up before I left. (The time change has him sleeping later, YAY!) Neb was to take all the “get ready for daycare” dutites today, and it’s a good thing B-Boy looks up to him. It really keeps that kid in line. 😉

Happily, he woke in a good mood, and I could hear him singing from downstairs. So before I left, I snuck into his room, snatched his cute self out of that warm crib and got me some quality B-Boy snuggles. Let me pause here and just say that he gives the BEST BEST BEST snuggles. His cute arm swings around your neck like a muppet, his head snuggles into your cheek, and his soft hair just brushes against your face. Heaven.

So, I got me some love from B-Boy before I had to scramble out of the house. Three and a half hours later, I was in Williamsburg. It really felt like a whole different world. I had never been there before, and since I was early, I decided to park in the merchant square of Colonial Williamsburg and take a look around.

I’ll pause to say this, when I was a kid, my Dad used to take my sister and me to historic places. He really had a passion for the civil war, and when we would visit him, it usually involved a road trip to get us from Lousiana to where he lived in Maryland. Since this was right through some interesting historical areas, he would stop to take in the sights. It was nice because the drive can tend to be a long cramped one, and getting out was always welcome. One of my favorite places was when we visited the plantations of Natchez, MS. My dad also liked to take TONS of photos. I guess that is where I got it from… if you couldn’t tell, I love taking pictures. I don’t have many photos of my childhood, but I will have to see if my dad has any from that time… When we take B-Boy on road trips, it would be fun to compare!

Aside finished. Back to today.

I parked and made my way back to the merchant area. I started to cross the street when I saw the store. Yep, I didn’t know it was there, but once I saw it in front of me, I knew I HAD to go in.

Just in case you can’t read that, click on the photo…
and if you don’t want to click, it says “Quilts Unlimited”

So I went inside, and found a 100 year old quilt from North Carolina. In the same pattern and layout as the baby quilt I made my sister’s first son. It was amazing, and it was on SALE, half price. I almost bought it, seriously. But, I could not think of a way to sell that I NEEDED it to Neb… even though I did. 🙂

So, the quilt remained in the store. However, I did find a cute purse to replace mine, and a cute toy for B-Boy. Sadly, he can’t play with it until he is two, but it was so precious, I just had to buy it.

A recycling truck that runs on KID power!!!

I then scooted over to the book store to get a cup of coffee. They had the BIGGEST chocolate chunk chip cookies I have ever seen. So, I purchased one for Neb, a CD for the drive home, and some other goodies. It was a bit overcast, and the temperature was perfect to sit outside. I found a bench (there are tons of benches in Colonial Williamsburg) and sat down to enjoy my coffee and pumpkin bread.

The view from my nifty bench

I then headed across the street to the cheese shop, which is a cheese shop AND restaurant. You can tell because there are lots of tables with umbrellas in front of the shop.

I walked in thinking I would pick up lunch for later, when I saw the CHEESE part of the shop. If you remember from other posts, I LOVE CHEESE. So I was in heaven in this store. The woman behind the cheese counter asked if I need help. And then it hit me. I should ask if they have Mizithra cheese.

I expected her to say no. No one else has it, why should this be different? But the land of Williamsburg is enchanted, and I just had to ask. “I bet you don’t have it, no one does. But I will take a stab. Do you have Mizithra cheese?

Yes” she replied, “we have two.”

Another Aside: when Neb was a kid, his mom would take him to a restaurant called the Old Spaghetti Factory. His favorite dish was Old Spaghetti Factory’s Spaghetti with Burnt Butter. Sounds gross, but it is not really Burnt. More like a brown butter. And a cheese was shredded on top. The cheese makes the dish, according to Neb. The cheese is mizithra, pronounced MIZ- ITH- RA. It is really hard to find, and I have been unable to find it in my area. What is it? According to Wikipedia, Mizithra is a traditional, unpasteurized fresh greek cheese made with milk and whey from sheep and/or goats. The ratio of milk to whey usually is 7 to 3. See, you learned something today.

So, when I heard they had this hard to find cheese, I HAD TO BUY IT. But, I asked them to hold it for me to keep it refridgerated. I planned to pick it up after my presentation.

After my presentation, I had lunch with the professor. We ended up at a restaurant called the Blue Talon… cue the mystery music! I had a blackend Tilapia reuben sandwhich, which was fantastic. The funny part about the place was that when I ordered water, she brought me a very short glass and a tall bottle. The bottle was labeled, well, see for yourself.

Hmm… tough to see…
Historic Tap Water
I kid you not. 

Apparently, the pipes are REALLY old. So they call it historic water. And bottle it.

And no, I didn’t notice any difference in taste.

After lunch, I headed back to the cheese shop to pick up Neb’s cheese. Once it was in hand, I hopped back in the car and hightailed it back home listening to my new CD. Driving into our neighborhood, I saw my hubby pushing B-Boy in his nifty stroller. What a happy sight to see! I missed them!

When we both got home, Neb asked me if I wanted to carry B-Boy back into the house. Which I did, and was sure to get some more B-Boy snuggles along the way. Heh heh.

Neb dressed him in a sweatshirt hoodie my mom gave B-Boy for christmas, to keep off the chill. I mention this because it prevented me from noticing…

That my son was wearing someone else’s clothes.

HA! I am sure it will not be the last time. He was still wearing his pants, but I had never seen the shirt he was sporting. And even though he dressed him, Neb didn’t catch it. Actually, he admitted later that he saw the bag of soiled clothing and thought he didn’t want to know. Smart guy.

We weren’t sure why or what happened until a little later when I fed B-Boy. He was almost done with the bottle when he coughed a big cough… and then preceded to spit up at least 3 ounces of his bottle. Poor guy. So I cleaned him up, snapped a quick photo of him with his toy (which he won’t see for a year and a half) and then whisked him off to bed.

Um Mommy, I can expalin why I am wearing this shirt… um..

I am just glad I got through the day ok. I have a business trip in a few weeks that will take me to Seattle for a week. Not sure I am ready for that yet.

Baby steps right?

March 21, 2010

Being Counted

Posted in Uncategorized at 12:00 pm by nebeli

It’s 2010… and you know what happens every ten years…

We got our Census Form this week.This is the second one I have filled out ever, but the first time I have filled it out for THREE people!

It was a little geeky, I know, but it was neat to think that folks a hundred years from now will see B-Boy’s start in the world. The funny part was that Neb really wanted to fill in B-Boy’s age. When else do you get to write down ZERO? It looked funny, but that’s what the Census folks wanted for babies under the age of one.

It’s weird because I thought by now, I would have a flying car, robots to cook for me, and that people would be living in space. That was what life in the 2000’s was supposed to be like. But there was no spot on the form for flying cars, no address spot for planet, so I guess that will have to wait for the next one.

We sealed it up, and sent it in. We have been counted, have you?

March 18, 2010

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Posted in holiday at 1:49 am by nebeli

B-Boy had a great St. Patrick’s Day. It was his first, and it was a green one! Was yours?

Mommy, I had a dream I was a leprechaun…
and I lost my gold!
Cue the wavy lines for the dream sequence….

Is this real gold?
I hope I didn’t lose all my gold!
I wonder where all my gold went…
I don’t see any rainbows.
I found the pot of gold Mommy!
This holiday is a snap!

I hope you enjoy our little leprechaun!

March 16, 2010

A Bigger Boy Seat

Posted in car seat, outgrown at 12:20 pm by nebeli

B-Boy is getting so big! So much so that he has outgrown his first car seat… you know the kind, the one that makes it easy to carry a sleeping baby from the car to your destination? It clicks into a base, and then onto a stroller frame.

B-Boy is just too big for it. Mostly, the straps are too tight to get him into the seat, and he is too long. I gave up carrying him in it weeks ago, cause he is heavy too! Twenty pounds of baby plus at least fifteen pounds of carseat takes a toll on you!

So, Neb and I went and got him a new car seat. He still has to sit rear facing… he is at the weight to turn around, but his neck muscles are not ready until he is at least a year old. Neb installed the new seat this weekend, and so yesterday morning was the first time he used it.

It is much bigger, and B-Boy can now look out the windows on each side. It’s a whole new world.

I snapped some photos, of course, so you could see it!

Giraffe, I see you at a whole new angle!
This feels different, I like it!

Wow, I am up so HIGH. I can see… stuff!

I think it was a success… here is what he looked like when I got to the daycare to drop him off.


March 15, 2010

Aliens came and made me exercise on a farm!

Posted in exersaucer, height, upright at 12:33 pm by nebeli

Well, not quite! You see, I bought B-Boy an Exersaucer. It’s a jumper that sits on a rounded surface so that it lists around. (Kind of like training wheels make a bike list if you aren’t balanced.) Whhhhheeeeeeeeeee…..

It’s got a farmland theme, cows and pigs and chickens. B-Boy loved it.

Finally, upright! Ahh…. this feels good!

It has three different heights, and usually folks start using them at 4 months. Now, B-Boy is just over 5 months old…  so I was curious how he would like it, and what height he would need.

We sat him in it on level one, the shortest. Too short.

We moved it to level two, much higher. Still, too short!

So, he happily used it on the tallest height.

My friends at daycare are gonna be so jealous…
How do I know? Even I can’t stop drooling!

He likes chewing on the toys, and I think it is a success. We shall see!

Be a rebel…

Posted in ole miss, rebel at 1:22 am by nebeli

This week was the SEC basketball tournament. Living in ACC country definately makes it hard to tell, since pretty much only ACC games are played on TV here. But, we love the SEC and follow the tournament from afar.

B-Boy wanted to support Ole Miss (especially since there is an *gasp* Auburn fan in the class). He wanted to wear one of the nifty Ole Miss onesies that he got for Christmas. We topped off the outfit with his Ole Miss baseball cap that Santa brought him.

Howdy Ma’am!
My Daddy says this is serious…

What do you mean they LOST?
Neb was bummed when Ole Miss lost, but seemed to keep a smile on his face when he saw his little rebel.
On a side note, B-Boy takes after his Dad in the “I hate to wear socks” department. Notice he managed to kick on off?
We were THIS close I tell you….
Oh well, there’s always baseball season… and B-Boy has his cap at the ready!

Bubbles at Daycare

Posted in bubbles at 12:41 am by nebeli

On Thursday, I stopped by B-Boy’s daycare to feed him. After he finished his bottle, one of his teachers announced that it was Bubble Time.

I had left my camera in the car, but managed to snap these photos on my cell phone for you. Notice how B-Boy reaches to catch the bubbles?

No teacher, I already had my bath!

He had a good time, and his fellow babies seemed to enjoy them too. But I think that his teacher and I probably had the most fun of all. How can you be down when you are blowing bubbles? Impossible!

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