February 26, 2010

What’s that I hear? Moans?

Posted in consonants, rock shirt, shots, snow, speech, t-shirt, vowels at 12:42 pm by nebeli

No, it’s the Ramones! Yesterday, B-Boy wore a cute red Ramones t-shirt to continue the Rock week t-shirt theme. I paired it with black workout pants, which makes me giggle. I mean really, what baby needs to workout? I can only imagine the design meeting on that one…. cuz I can imagine Moms and Dads wanting their kids to match them when they go to the gym. Either way, they sure do look comfy…

Dad, do you notice that we are matching quite a bit this week?
Shhh son, I am hoping nobody notices.

My Mom asked me on Wednesday what sounds B-Boy was making, since I mentioned his singing. She said this is the time where he will be working on his vowels, and a consonant or two. I paid attention to his sounds yesterday, and she was right! He is going through his vowels, like AAAAA, Ooooo, and Eeeeeee. I heard three distinct consonants – B, M, and L. B is popular and it often accompanies several bubbles. So, Mom was right, and I am glad she asked because that was something I would have missed.

There are two other items to note about yesterday. First, as I was wring my blog entry, it started to snow. Big, fluffy flakes that looked like fresh globs of cotton candy falling from the sky. It didn’t stick to the road, but it did accumulate on the grass and trees. It was very pretty, but melted as soon as the sun came out. 😦

The second item to note is that B-Boy got the last of his four month old shots. We spaced them out since he was supposed to get 5!!! Yes, you heard that right, five. That’s CRAZY. So we broke it up into 3 different appointments, each a week apart. One shot in each leg is about all I can do at a time. Thank goodness his pediatrician is at our healthcare center which is onsite at my work, with no copays!

He is done with shots until his six month appointment, where we will do this all over again. He handles them pretty well, and is usually happy a few hugs later. I am hoping this continues!!!