February 16, 2010

Giggles all around!!!

Posted in giggles, laugh, tickle at 1:42 am by nebeli

This morning, a Monday morning I might add, B-Boy was in an exceptionally good mood.

I am not sure if it was because he couldn’t wait to go to day care again (he really likes his teachers and fellow babies…) or if it was Daddy time with Neb, but B-Boy was all giggles this morning.

Neb continued to make B-Boy giggle while I ran for the camera! We have documented proof that B-Boy is indeed ticklish. I am happy to tell you that we were able to record it in this video below. Enjoy!

Viewer warning: B-Boy giggles can be contagious. You may find yourself smiling and giggling despite yourself. This video may cause your face to hurt from too much smiling!
