July 25, 2010

AuntJ and Limby come to visit!

Posted in AuntJ, GranE, Limby, pool at 12:23 am by nebeli

Today, GranE’s sister, AuntJ, came to visit with her daughter Limby from Georgia. They played with B-Boy, who is still trying to figure out why all these new folks are here.

We took him to the pool and had a great time. (It was VERY hot, but we made do!) B-Boy showed them how he can go under the water, kick his legs when his Daddy pulls him through the water, and splash!!!

Faster GranE Faster!
I know one of you is about to dunk me, I can just tell!
The water is nice and cool AuntJ! You should get in!

Before Limby and AuntJ left, we took some time to snap some photos. Limby was sweet to play along with me wanting to take so many…

Before they hit the road, I told AuntJ that she had to take another photo with B-Boy. I told her he needed to be in the same position he was in the photo from the last time she visited. It took her a moment to remember… she had held him out at her side. Yikes!

But she was sweet to do as I asked, especially since I promised she would not have to do it again.

October 2009, B-Boy at just about 2 weeks old

July 2010, B-Boy at 9 1/2 months old

We will have to find another pose for her. Did I mention B-Boy is HEAVY????  Could you imagine me having AuntJ and B-Boy do this pose when he is 12? HA!!!!