May 6, 2010

Seventh Month… Your baby should be able to…

Posted in milestones at 2:01 am by nebeli

So I was reading over the “What to Expect The First Year” book for the seventh month. The chapter starts with a list of what your baby should be able to do, what your baby probably can do, what your baby might be able to do, and what else is possible for the month.

I wanted to document this for where B-Boy is currently. The list below has check marks where he has completed that milestone. I’ll revist the list later this month to see how he is doing.

By the end of the month, your baby

Should be able to:
þ  Sit without support

þ  Feed self a cracker

þ  Razz(make a wet razzing sound)

Will probably be able to:
þ  Bear some weight on legs when held upright

¨  Object if you try to take a toy away

þ  Work to get a toy out of reach

þ  Pass a cube or other object from one hand to another

þ  Look for dropped object

þ  Rake a raisin and pick it up in fist

þ  Turn in the direction of a voice

þ  Babble, combining vowels and consonants such as ga-ga-ga-ga, ba-ba-ba-ba, ma-ma-ma-ma, da-da-da-da

May possibly be able to:
¨  Stand holding on to someone or something

May even be able to:
¨  Pull up to standing position from sitting

¨  Get into a sitting position from stomach

¨  Play patty cake or wave bye-bye

¨  Pick up tiny object with any part of thumb and finger

¨  Walk holding on to furniture

¨  Say mama or dada indiscriminately