March 29, 2010

Poor B-Boy, he’s still sick.. but improving!

Posted in cough, Croup, sick, teething at 2:34 am by nebeli

Last week, I just couldn’t sit by any longer. B-Boy was not getting better. In fact, he sounded worse.

If you remember, a few weeks ago, B-Boy was diagnosed with a mild Croup. Well, either he got something in addition to that, or the Croup is worse. On Monday, one of his teachers called me saying his cough sounded really bad, and she was concerned.

So back to the doctor we went. Only I couldn’t see our regular one, so we saw another in the practice. I was told his ears were clear, and that his chest sounded clear too. His chest didn’t sound that good to me, but OK… at least I knew it was not an ear infection.

Fast forward to Tuesday evening. I returned from Williamsburg, snuggled up to B-Boy, and his breathing sounded really bad. His cough was wetter sounding and he just looked miserable. He wasn’t eating like normal, after about 4 ounces, he would stop. (He normally eats 7 ounces at a time.) He would cough himself awake several times at night, so in the morning he would be exhausted.

So, on Wednesday, I called back to Healthcare and asked for an appointment with our regular doctor. At 1:30, B-Boy and I went to see her. We basically heard the same thing… ears clear, chest ok. She was hesitant to put him on an antibotic, but if he didn’t get better, she would. She suggested he not go back to daycare. Sigh.

So off I went to notify his daycare that he was going home, what the diagnosis (or lack thereof) was, and to tell my boss that I needed to go home. One of his teachers was really upset that they did nothing, since his chest and cough sounded just like another boy in the room, who is on an antibiotic and breathing treatment. To hear her so upset, broke my heart, and also made the little voice in the back of my head say “see, you aren’t crazy… do something!”

So I did. My OB’s wife is a pediatrician. I had researched her when trying to decide on B-Boy’s care. I looked up her number and called, thinking that if they had availability, we would go. They did, and we did a half an hour later.

The pediatrician, Dr. Z, was wonderful. She tested his oxygen levels by clipping something to his big toe, and took blood.She heard a rasp in his chest, and said his white blood count was elevated, indicating he is fighting off some kind of infection. She perscribed some antibiotics, and suggested he do a breathing treatment. Afterward, they tested his oxygen again. Since it was improved, and he sounded better, she sent us home with a loaner machine and told us to come back on Friday.

He has improved greatly since then. His breathing is better, his cough reduced, and he is back to eating normally. YAY! Baby boy is smiling again, and seems more his old self.

Now if there was just something we could do for this teething thing… Dr. Z showed me he has 2 teeth coming up on the bottom!

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