December 5, 2010

B-Boy goes to a concert for Lunch Money

Posted in concert at 3:03 am by nebeli

Today I took B-Boy to a concert at the Carrboro Arts Center. Carrboro is right next to Chapel Hill and is about an hour and a half from our house. The center is a wonderful place for kids of all ages to play, and had a great big room with a tall stage and lights.

The concert started at 11, and we arrived about ten minutes before it started. Neb had to study for his final next week, and this was the perfect opportunity for us to give him some study time while we had some fun.

We were going to hear a band that plays kids music that adults like to listen to. I heard them on an NPR program and one of their songs made me giggle. The band is called Lunch Money and the song that made me giggle was about a Cookie As Big As Your Head. How could you not like that?

I searched the web and found out that they were from South Carolina, and would be playing in Carrboro today. We made the journey easily. Once we arrived, we sat down on the second row. B-Boy ate has granola bar while we waited.  He looked around in wide-eyed wonder taking it all in.

The stage was large, and there were lots of rows of seats, some down on the floor in front of the stage. The area in front of the stage had a padded foam mat and was used for the kids to dance on. The bands’ instruments were waiting for them and included several guitars, a set of drums and a trombone.

B-Boy sported a cute shirt with a drum set on it. There was a pocket on his chest that looked like he had a set of drum sticks in it. We both agreed that he was dressed appropriately!

Mommy, when is the concert going to start?

I am ready to dance!

The band took the stage, and started to play. Their music was catchy and fun and they did a great job engaging the kids. They asked questions and incorporated the answers into their songs. B-Boy sat on my lap the entire time and had a blast. (I think that is a first, he usually wants out of my lap as soon as he sits in it!) We danced and wiggled in our seat- we jumped up and down and in one of the songs (called I want a dog) even barked and howled during the song.

B-Boy did really well… and did not cry a bit. He even got to meet the band members after the show and get a photo with the lead singer.

Mommy, I had fun but I am a little scared to be sitting here.

After the show, we headed home and had lunch followed by a REALLY big nap. Yes, we all took one. And when we woke up, it was SNOWING! It was a light dusting that did stick to the ground. It was very pretty, but not enough to play in. I think the band sang the snow here, what do you think?

1 Comment »

  1. Cat said,

    Fun! I had it on my calendar, but we had to take e-baby to a borthday party this morning. The picture at the end cracks me up– my kids were the same way when they met Dan Zanes. I was all "WOOT! Gimme yo' autograph!" and the kids were like "Stay back, creepy dude!"

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