December 5, 2010


Posted in teething at 1:18 am by nebeli

I don’t know exactly when they arrived. His teachers told me a few weeks ago that they thought they felt some coming in, but B-Boy has 2…. count them…. 2 molar teeth!

In true son of Nebeli fashion, B-Boy sported his first year molars in symmetrical fashion. Both came in at the same time and are the same size, one on each side of his mouth.

I noticed them last night while playing a fun game of Tickle B-Boy And Make Him Laugh. I was playing with his tummy making Zerbert noises. (Those of you who watched The Cosby Show know that is simply putting my mouth on his belly and blowing air out. The noise that is produced sounds like he is passing really loud gas. B-Boy loves it, and laughs a hearty giggle each time.) As I zerberted him, he opened his mouth and gave a hearty laugh- and then I saw them! Two white, gleaming teeth in the place where gums had been previously! The gums are still there, but you should see the teeth! I called Neb over and showed him. We were both very excited.

So for those of you keeping score, that is is ten teeth. Six on top and four on the bottom.

I am starting to think his bark is not going to be worse than his bite for long at this rate!

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